niedziela, 24 maja 2015

Day 1 Family Day

My first day of 28 hours

Hello dear readers!

Well, are you wondering that how come I had a 28 hours day when we have only 24 in a day. That is because we were on a flight to Zurich which took across different time zones which then resulted in us getting 4 more hours to spend, which I then spent in talking to a Swiss gentleman who knew a lot of Hindi and History(YES!!!), because he travelled to India often. But, we are not here to talk about the flight plan but about my first day in the polish leg of the Indo-Polish Exchange program.


Objective: To observe everything so as to compare and contrast things between India  and Poland so as to know more about Poland.

Status:   Incomplete

Well, like it takes days for a snake to digest its prey so that it can provide nutrition to it for weeks or months, it would take me more than the 13 days there in India and 1 day in Poland to get information about Poland which I think would last a lifetime. So even though I tried my best to see and notice everything, I just couldn’t do it in one day. But whatever I saw, I could see many distinct things, like the colour GREEN  here. This area is so green, so fertile that the meaning of Poland(roughly the country of fields) gets justified. I am just bedazzled by the green here, it is present everywhere, EVERYWHERE !!!!   I just wonder why they do not have green in their flag. This is also accompanied by vast spaces. The area in which I am living, is so open that I want to just live here. I now envy the polish people who get so much space to do whatever they want to do whereas    we in India are living in comparatively congested areas.

The food which I am being fed is also very good, the bread with which we were greeted in Poland was so good that I ate all of it(Thank you Kasia), and wanted  more but then I wanted to try out new stuff, so I didn’t ask for more . Then we went to Julia’s house where almost everyone had gathered, and there I found the biggest apple of my life(which everyone is saying is medium-sized!!!!), the apple was 4 times bigger than the ones found in India, and it also tasted good.

There are many other aspects, like politics, ads, rooms etc   but due to restricted time(for you) and space(for me),I will move on to the next topic. that is my house.

My house is very beautiful, with all the greenery around, it looks like paradise to me . As beautiful is the house as outside, as beautiful it is inside i.e. Marcin and his family, they are all nice people who are taking great care of me.  But the best member of the house is zorka( I hope the spelling is right!!) , she is so lively that whenever I come in front of her, she immediately jumps at me. Then I try to make her sit, but she doesn’t . even right now I have to give her a pat so that I  can write this.

So, this was the account of the things which striked me during the first day. will see you later.


Shubham Sharma
TEDxKazimierz with Polsih students 

                                                                Pszczyna - American university choir concert

Polish hospitality at Ślusarczyk Family


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